Fashion Myth Busters: Part 2
Alright, guys. So, this a very exciting day for me because it is full of firsts. For example, in this post I'm finally able to use pictures of my own outfit for the first time, which is really exciting for me. You guys will get an idea of my aesthetic.
Myth #2:
Black and Brown don't go together.
For the longest time I had always followed this unspoken rule of fashion religiously. It was only recently that I realized it's not the case. Although, this rule can be broken it does come with restrictions. For example, the easiest way to pull this off is to do black with brown accessories or shoes. This looks the best and that way, even though you're "violating" this rule you can still look good.
Yay! First picture of my very own. Here, as you can see I did black jeggings and brown oxford shoes. Usually, you want to go with more of a cognac type brown, as opposed to chocolate because it's already close to black. The contrast of black and cognac is really cool. It doesn't have to be shoes, you can always do black with a brown belt or vice versa, whatever works for you. Moral of the story is, don't be afraid to mix these two colors because as you can see they don't clash.
Fall is definitely a good time for mixing black brown because it's easier to pair with more subtle tones that are indicative of fall fashion.

Photo Credit: Erin McConnell (A phenomenal photographer as you can see)